La suscripción anual te convierte en parte activa de nuestra sociedad, permitiéndote formar parte de nuestra comunidad científica y colaborar como socio en el intercambio de conocimiento.
Parker J. Brown, MD, Aaron Wyse, MD, Karan Patel, MD, and Jeremiah Long, MD – 13/10/23
Weight-Bearing CT with Maximum Ankle Dorsiflexion to Identify Impingement and Tibial Plafond Stress Fracture
Pole vaulting is a well-known sport requiring strength and coordination of complex movements over 4 general phases. All phases involve a transfer of energy between the athlete and the pole to achieve the goal of clearing the crossbar.
Ramos, Michael S. MS; Pasqualini, Ignacio MD; Surace, Peter A. MD; Molloy, Robert M. MD; Deren, Matthew E. MD; Piuzzi, Nicolas S. MD,a. – 11/12/23
Arthrofibrosis After Total Knee Arthroplasty
Arthrofibrosis after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the new formation of excessive scar tissue that results in limited ROM, pain, and functional deficits.