Sociedad Paraguaya de Ortopedia y Traumatología

Congreso Nacional





Parker J. Brown, MD, Aaron Wyse, MD, Karan Patel, MD, and Jeremiah Long, MD – 13/10/23
Weight-Bearing CT with Maximum Ankle Dorsiflexion to Identify Impingement and Tibial Plafond Stress Fracture
Pole vaulting is a well-known sport requiring strength and coordination of complex movements over 4 general phases. All phases involve a transfer of energy between the athlete and the pole to achieve the goal of clearing the crossbar.

Stephen Saela, MD, Michael Pompliano, MD, Jeffrey Varghese, MD, Kumar Sinha, MD, Michael Faloon, MD, Arash Emami, MD. – 04/10/23

Minimally Invasive Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (MI-TLIF) A Video Technique Guide

The procedure is performed with the patient under general
anesthesia and on a radiolucent table in order to allow for intraoperative fluoroscopy.

Ramos, Michael S. MS; Pasqualini, Ignacio MD; Surace, Peter A. MD; Molloy, Robert M. MD; Deren, Matthew E. MD; Piuzzi, Nicolas S. MD,a. – 11/12/23
Arthrofibrosis After Total Knee Arthroplasty

Arthrofibrosis after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is the new formation of excessive scar tissue that results in limited ROM, pain, and functional deficits.

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland. – 20/12/23
What’s New in Musculoskeletal Tumor Surgery
The literature on musculoskeletal tumors continues to be robust; however, it has been dominated by retrospective obser- vational studies.


Sociedad Paraguaya de Ortopedia y Traumatología Infantil

Comité de Traumatología

Comité de Mano de la SPOT
Sociedad Paraguaya de Pie y Tobillo

Sociedad Paraguaya de Hombro y Codo

Sociedad Paraguaya de Cadera y Rodilla


Asociación Paraguaya de Artroscopía y Trauma Deportivo

Exámen de Certificación

Fecha Límite:

Lunes 03 de Marzo hasta las 18Hs.

Recertificación SPOT 2025

Fechas habilitadas:
Abril: Recepción de CV del 15 al 31 de Marzo
Junio: Recepción de CV del 15 al 31 de Mayo
Noviembre: Recepción de CV del 15 al 31 de Octubre

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